
The following sections describe how to use Procedures in Scifeon. Procedures are used to guide users through a workflow, and they can be used to register data in Scifeon. Procedures can be used for many different purposes, such as:
- Registering Batch Records
- Registering Samples
- Registering Results
- Etc.
The following tutorial explains how to create a Procedure for registering Batch Records: Recording Batch Records - this tutorial also on a general level explains how to use Procedures.
Procedure Management
Below you will find documentation of Procedures from an older format, which has not yet been transformed into this new format.
Advanced Topics
The following sections describe some advanced topics related to procedures.
Transfer Procedure between instances
When working with procedures it's sometimes convenient or even required that the work on creating the procedure is done on a test instance and then transferred to a production instance.
You can transfer a Procedure from one instance to another by exporting and importing the Procedure:
- Start by going to the detail page of the procedure you want to transfer (you can find Procedures through Data Management > Browse Data > Procedures).

- Look for the "Export Template" button and click on it. This will prompt the download of a file that contains the procedure's name and description, here
PRO0011_My Procedure.json

- Once the template file is downloaded, proceed to the other instance where you want to import the procedure. From the procedure list on the new instance, click on the "New Procedure" button to create a new procedure.

- Fill in the title of the procedure and preferably specify its type as well. Specifying the type can make it easier to browse through procedures later. After providing the necessary details, click on "Create".
- Now, on the detail page of the newly created procedure, look for the button to import the template file. Use this button to select and import the template file that was downloaded earlier.

Please note that when transferring templates between instances, the audit trail is not transferred. Therefore, on the new instance, it won't be possible to view the history of changes made to the original procedure.
Next step
On the next page you will find information about how to export and use your data: Go to Using Data